The mighty Mississippi River
October 30, we left the Illinois River and entered the Mississippi at Grafton, IL - within the first few yards we ran aground interpreting the channel markers "a little wrong". Chris got us off the sand bank quickly and there we were - in Alton, IL on the Mississippi. We spend Halloween in Alton since it was raining all day, and we decided that we are not in a rush (we are still in work mode and rushing everything we do, it takes a while to get used to, this retired life). We got a grass carp (I have to point out that we did not catch one) - a fisherman gave it to us, and it was absolutely the best fresh water fish we have eaten in a while. The fall colors are stunning. The scenery at the lower Illinois River changed a lot it is not flat anymore - limestone cliffs surround us now. We stole some crab apples in Peoria and made crab apple jelly - the best one we have ever had (of course) and we picked wild pecan nuts at an overnight anchorage; we are adjusting well to this sailor life (free stuff is good stuff!!). The mornings on the river are breathtaking, the fog slowly disappearing when the pink sun slowly burns a hole through the fog. We saw deer, several bald eagles (one with a fish in its talons), a beaver, a groundhog, two coyotes and thousands of birds.